If you are dealing with HVAC problems in your home, you’re facing what homeowners experience every single day. That’s part of the reason that the HVAC system industry is already a massive $17.15 billion and growing. The key to fixing these issues is making sure you recognize the issues as they happen. 

Knowing the signs of a broken HVAC will help you quickly take action to remedy it. Even better, knowing the most common HVAC problems will also help you learn how to prevent them. 

Use this guide so that you can learn all about the most common forms of HVAC care.  

1. The Air Conditioner Cuts Off

If you’ve lived in a home long enough, you’ve probably dealt with an air conditioner or furnace that cuts off seemingly for no reason. There are several reasons that this may occur. 

For one, you might be having an issue with fuses or electrical systems. Check the circuit breaker to see if something tripped, or if you have blown a fuse. It could also happen due to a faulty connection somewhere within your air conditioning system. 

If the circuits and fuses don’t tell the story, get in touch with an HVAC pro immediately to get to the root of the problem.  

2. Your Air Flow Is Poor

Bad airflow is another common issue that people deal with when their HVAC systems start to act up. You might be dealing with a clog in your HVAC system, which prevents air from moving freely through it. 

This often happens when you fail to clean your airways, which is one of the most important facets of HVAC maintenance. You need to get your air ducts cleaned at least once a year to make sure that the air can move through the system unobstructed. 

There may also be a problem with your HVAC filters. If the filters haven’t been changed in a long time, they can get backed up with gunk and dust, which can also block the flow of air. Ideally, you should be changing your HVAC filters at least once per month or once every other month. You should also change your filters when there are health or safety concerns. 

Choose HVAC filters that are best for your home HVAC system, because they will also help to protect you from allergens.  

3. The Temperatures Aren’t Changing

If your temperatures are unresponsive, you’re dealing with yet another of the most common HVAC problems. This typically happens when something goes wrong with the thermostat. 

Test the thermostat by changing temperatures and waiting for a few minutes to see if it responds. If not, you will either need to get the thermostat repaired or buy an entirely new one. 

Always choose a programmable thermostat so that you have more precision over the temperatures in your home. 

Solve Your HVAC Problems

When HVAC problems arise, you don’t have to sweat it out. All you need to do is reach out to some professionals that can solve these and other common issues. 

Sewell Electric brings experience with several HVAC systems and can solve your problems quickly and correctly. For more help, contact us today for a quote.