Just because temperatures drop outside doesn’t mean your heating bills have to skyrocket. When 31% of households have trouble paying their energy bills, finding ways to slash costs are more important than ever.

With winter coming, it’s time to get prepared. By learning a few easy tips on how to keep more heat in your home, you can keep more money in your wallet.

To keep your family warm and toasty this winter, let’s look at 6 ways to slash your heating bills.

1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

When it comes to your thermostat, it’s easy to set it and forget it. That habit could be costing you on your utility bills by keeping the temperature up all day.

Install a programmable thermostat to keep the house warm while you’re there and cooler when you’re away. Once you have it programmed to your routine, setting it and forgetting it will no longer be an issue.

2. Schedule an Energy Audit

Small cracks, thin insulation, and old windows are sneaky areas for heat to escape your home. Over time, that loss will show on your heating bills.

A local energy auditor can come out and inspect your house. They will show you where weak spots are in your home and recommend ways to improve energy savings.

3. Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

We all know ceiling fans are our best friend in the summer, but did you know they can keep you warm during the winter months?

Hot air rises and will sit up close to your ceiling. By reversing the direction your ceiling fan runs, it will help to push warm air back to floor level, keeping your home more comfortable.

With more warm air at ground level, you’re able to lower the temperature on your thermostat.

4. Add Extra Insulation

When it’s cold outside, insulation helps to lower your utility bills by keeping warm air in and cold air out. Adding more insulation saves you money while keeping your home toasty warm.

Add insulation to overlooked areas such as the attic and basement. Older homes with poor insulation can have insulation blown into empty wall crevices for better coverage.

5. Keep Your System Clean

A clean HVAC system is a happy system. By letting heat blow through unobstructed, your system will run better and ensures your home stays warm.

Keep the cost of heating bills down by regularly changing out the air filter on your system. Also, make sure vents and ducts stay clear of dust or debris that will block airflow.

6. Get a Tune-Up

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your furnace and heat pump running at peak performance. Getting it checked once a year will ensure you’re ready for when cold weather hits.

Not only does maintenance cut heating costs by making sure the system works, it cuts down on equipment wear and tear. This keeps you from having to spend money to replace the unit prematurely.

Let Heating Bills Savings Keep You Warm This Winter

Don’t leave your household budget out in the cold. By using these tips, you will slash the cost of your heating bills and stay comfortable throughout the winter season.

Want to make sure your system is ready for the cold weather? Contact us today! Let us put our years of experience to work for you.