While you can expect your home to make some unusual noises, others may signal a problem. For instance, sounds from your furnace might require professional assistance.

When you hear your furnace making noises, listen. Do you know what it is telling you?

A Guide to Your Furnace Making Noises

A noisy furnace can indicate a number of issues that require professional HVAC services. Read on to learn what it might mean when your furnace makes noise.


If you hear a banging heater sound whenever you turn on your furnace, do not panic. You hear an ignition delay that creates a small explosion within the system.

Typically, this indicates a dirty furnace, as the dirt build up delays the gas ignition. This little problem comes with a simple fix.

However, do not let that lead you to put off getting the furnace cleaned. Over time, the never burning within the furnace can lead to a crack in the system, causing a much more expensive and dangerous issue.


Anytime you hear a whistle, it tells you that oppressed air found a way out or is being restricted. In your HVAC system, this means air is escaping in a system that should be sealed or something is blocking air where it should freely flow.

This could simply indicate a dirty air filter, restricting airflow at that point to create the whistling noise. In this case, the noise will stop once you replace the filter.

If this sound persists, it may mean a gap in the air duct. Or, it could indicate too narrow of a duct. Call a professional to fix either problem.


Furnace humming can indicate a simple issue. It may just mean that your blower needs lubrication. You can lubricate the furnace motor yourself or call for professional assistance.

But, furnace buzzing could signal a bigger problem. It could indicate that the transformer box needs securing or that you need a new motor.


If your furnace rattles, you most likely hear lose parts. Metal composes pretty much the entire system, so loose screws will make a lot of noise. Fortunately, an HVAC company will fix this pretty easily.


Normally, you will hear a click as you turn on your furnace. This noise comes from the thermostat activating the system.

But, the clicking should not persist. If this happens, it indicates a faulty thermostat.


Your furnace will not whine for no reason. It usually indicates a problem with the blower belt.

It might be loose, out of place, or frayed. Call for this simple fix right away, because letting it go can damage your furnace creating much more expensive issues.

Quiet Your Furnace

If you hear your furnace making noises, do not ignore it. The problems these noises are telling you about can grow if you let them go. If you get to them right away, it will usually take less time, effort, and cash to fix.

Reach out to a local HVAC company you can trust. Contact us for help with quieting your furnace.