The HVAC system is one of the key components for most homes across the country. It’s responsible for making everyone inside feel as comfortable as possible. No matter what the weather is like outside.

And yet, only 30% of homeowners schedule preventative maintenance each year. It too often becomes an out-of-sight, out-of-mind thing. That is until it’s too late and broken down. 

There are a couple of things homeowners can do to help keep their system working well. Follow this HVAC inspection checklist to stay on the right track!

Routine Visual Inspection of Outside Unit

The first step on a home inspection checklist is always going to be to do a visual inspection. This is an easy step every homeowner can do, regardless of HVAC knowledge or handy skill level.

During your inspection, you’re looking for obvious signs of damage, like:

  • Debris build-up
  • Dents in the sides
  • Broken fan blades
  • Missing pieces

Be sure to do these visual inspections often, especially after weather events. The quicker you call an HVAC professional at the sign of trouble, the better.

Change the Air Filter

During the visual inspection of your HVAC system, don’t forget the air filter. But don’t forget that you can’t always see how clogged a filter has become.

The health of your entire system relies on changing the filter on a regular basis. Going too long with the same one is not only bad for the machines, but also for your health. Set a schedule for changing it out so you never forget and let it go too long!

Check Electrical Connections

Sometimes you start to experience weird glitches with your HVAC system that don’t have an obvious cause. That’s when it’s time to check the electrical connections.

You want to be sure that the power source is reliable and connected the right way so the system always has energy.

A good HVAC safety tip is to leave these jobs to the pros if you haven’t done them before. Bringing out an expert will get your system back to fully functioning in no time.

Pay Attention for Signs of a Problem

In between your seasonal HVAC inspections, be sure you don’t forget about your system. Keeping it in mind will help you catch signs of an issue right away. While completing your HVAC inspection checklist be on the lookout for:

  • higher electricity bills
  • slow temperature change
  • loud, unusual noises
  • burning smells

If you notice any of these things, call an expert!

Follow This HVAC Inspection Checklist Every Year

Keeping up with an HVAC inspection checklist should be a key priority for homeowners. It’s the best way to keep your system running how it’s supposed to.

It will also help you catch issues early, which means you can get them fixed faster. That will keep you from having to endure a too-cold or too-hot house for long!

If you find a problem while doing your home inspection checklist, be sure to call the pros you can trust. At Sewell Electric and HVAC, we are dedicated to providing this kind of high-quality service. Schedule an appointment today to get your HVAC in the best shape!