Reliable air conditioning is not only a matter of convenience and comfort, but one of safety as well. Whenever you detect problems with your system, they need to be addressed as soon as possible.

This keeps potential problems from worsening. This can save your system, not to mention money on emergency repairs.

An AC unit buzzing every few minutes can be the result of many different problems. This article covers what those are. Keep reading to learn more about possible air conditioner issues and related AC unit troubleshooting.

Vibration Issues

A major cause of an AC unit buzzing every few minutes is loose AC motor components. A common one is fan blades.

Blades that are hitting the inside of the unit or simply loose can create noise as they spin. A related issue is worn-out bearings in the fan. Other parts of the system could be vibrating beyond normal and should be examined as well.

Fortunately, it is easy to fix AC buzzing issues related to vibrations. A technician can tighten or replace fan blades and bearings, or other components that are vibrating.

Motor Issues

Your HVAC system has many different motors that operate different parts. These can include motors on the:

  • Blower
  • Boiler circulator pump
  • Compressor
  • Compressor fan
  • Condenser fan
  • Damper
  • Evaporator fan
  • Heat pump
  • Inducer
  • Zone valve

Motor components (such as bearings) wearing out or motors working too hard can lead to a recurring buzzing sound. These are usually a simple fix or replacement, once the problem has been identified.

Electrical Issues

Another common issue that can cause a buzzing sound is loose or faulty electrical wiring. When your AC cuts on, it requires electricity to operate. A cracking sound often accompanies buzzing in damaged or otherwise compromised wiring (though not always).

Beyond wiring, a buzzing sound could be the result of malfunctioning electrical components. These include everything from switches to transformers, fans, compressors, or capacitors in the AC motors.

Electrical issues can be quite serious and should be examined by a professional. Ignoring these problems can lead to AC malfunction or even electrical fires.

Compressor Problems

A worn-out compressor, which is a vital part of your home’s AC system, is another common culprit of buzzing noises. As the name suggests, a compressor pressurizes refrigerant gas that has absorbed heat from the air in your home. This allows it to return to a liquid and return to the evaporator, where it repeats the process.

If a compressor is having problems performing its job, it could result in noises as it cycles on and off. This could also be the result of problems, such as low refrigerant, which causes the compressor to work harder than it should. Regardless, you should have these issues examined as quickly as possible.

Find Repair Services for an AC Unit Buzzing Every Few Minutes

Now that you have some possible answers to what an AC unit buzzing every few minutes means, you can make a more accurate diagnosis. A reputable HVAC company can better assess the issue and recommend HVAC maintenance tips.

Sewell Electric and HVAC provides the highest quality maintenance, repair, and installation services in Franklin, TN. We sell and service all major brands of residential heating and cooling equipment. Contact us today to get your AC buzzing noise checked out.