
About Alex Rouse

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So far Alex Rouse has created 300 blog entries.
16 08, 2022

HVAC Repair Service: What Does HVAC Repair Cost?

2022-08-04T01:31:18+00:00August 16th, 2022|HVAC repair|

HVAC systems are one of the most important parts of any home. When they break down, it's a major inconvenience—especially for your pockets. However, HVAC repair costs vary, depending on the problem. When you notice an issue with your HVAC system, it's imperative to get it fixed as soon as possible. Prolonging repair could lead [...]

9 08, 2022

Why Is My HVAC So Loud? 4 Common Causes

2022-08-04T01:20:54+00:00August 9th, 2022|HVAC repair|

Are you suddenly struggling to hold a conversation over your air conditioner? Have you been startled awake by squealing, rattling, or even banging? Are you constantly wondering, why is my HVAC so loud? If so, it's clear that something isn't right.  Thankfully, you've landed on the right blog post. Keep reading for 4 common causes [...]

1 08, 2022

Your Air Humidity Guide: How to Control Your Thermal Comfort

2022-08-01T15:31:53+00:00August 1st, 2022|HVAC Tips|

You already know an air conditioner can help you cool off, but it serves another important function. It can act as a dehumidifier, helping remove moisture from the air. Air humidity can impact your quality of life in plenty of different ways. It can affect your health, the integrity of your home, and your personal [...]

1 08, 2022

HVAC Health: How to Reduce Dust in the House

2022-08-01T15:23:58+00:00August 1st, 2022|HVAC Tips|

Dust in your home will exacerbate respiratory issues like asthma and bronchitis. If you struggle with intense allergies, your home may be a breeding ground for dust mites. Dust mites can live in hard-to-reach places and collect in the corners of your home. Cleanliness and the indoor air quality of your home are directly related [...]

1 08, 2022

How Often Should You Check Your HVAC Refrigerant?

2022-08-01T14:48:54+00:00August 1st, 2022|HVAC Tips|

Over 90% of households in the U.S. had air conditioning in 2019, highlighting the importance of a proper HVAC unit in today's homes. To maintain your HVAC unit, you need to keep track of your refrigerant levels. So how often should you check your HVAC refrigerant? When do you need to get it replaced?  That's what [...]

26 07, 2022

Why Won’t My HVAC Turn On? The 5 Most Common Reasons

2022-07-27T02:33:38+00:00July 26th, 2022|HVAC Tips|

Both the United States and Europe are facing historic heat waves. With humidity taken into account, the real feel is up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit in many areas of the country. This type of heat places a significant burden on your air conditioning system. Record-high temperatures mean that your AC is running all day trying [...]

27 06, 2022

How to Protect Your Home From an Electrical Surge

2022-06-16T13:19:56+00:00June 27th, 2022|HVAC Tips|

In 2021, 194 million bolts of lightning struck the United States. Nature can put on an impressive electrical display. Each bolt of lightning contains as many as one billion volts of electricity. The problem comes when that lightning hits a power line. Lightning is one of the leading causes of an electrical surge in the home. When [...]

20 06, 2022

Managing Your Power Bill: How to Win With the Right Thermostat Setting

2022-06-04T16:15:19+00:00June 20th, 2022|HVAC Tips|

Are your energy bills keeping you up at night? Do you find yourself snapping at the people living in your home when they neglect to turn off a light? You're most likely stressed out by the rapid rise in energy costs as of late. If you can't control how much energy costs, you can at [...]

7 06, 2022

Your Water Heater Repair Guide: When DIY Doesn’t Cut It

2022-06-02T18:09:30+00:00June 7th, 2022|Appliance Repair|

When your steamy daily shower turns into a cold-water therapy session, it's time to seek a water heater repairman. You may be tempted to break out your DIY skills, especially if you're a skilled handyman.  The average water heater, though, has a complicated setup. Plus, it's an integral part of your daily routine. If you [...]

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