Kitchen ceiling light fixtures on the fritz?

It is a more common problem than you think, and many people don’t know where to start when it comes to troubleshooting.

However, it can often be something that you can easily repair yourself without the need for an expert.

Read our short guide to the most common ceiling light fixture checks you should make when your light bulbs start to blink. You may not always need an electrician to fix the problem.

1. Check The Bulb

As simple as it seems, it is always best to start with the most obvious. Turn off the light and remove the bulb. Look at the filament; if it has burnt out, then you need to replace it.

Change the bulb with another new one and see if this solves the issue.

2. Check The Light Fitting

Is the bulb tightly screwed into the ceiling light fixture? If the problem is intermittent, as in flashing on and off it may be due to the bulb being loose inside the socket. Tighten it up as much as you can by hand, and then try the switch.

If the problem continues, you need to investigate further.

3. Check The Light Switch

Does the light switch make a crackling sound when you flick it on and off? If so, then the connections could be loose. If you smell burning or hear a fizzle when you turn on the switch, then you may be experiencing a poor connection.

Turn off the electricity to the room at the circuit breaker. Unscrew the light switch and look at the connections. If they are burnt out or loose, you may need to replace the switch.

You can buy a replacement at your local hardware store, and they are easy to reinstall.

4. Check The Circuit Breaker

Make sure all of the fuses are on and working at the circuit breaker box itself. If there is a loose connection here or a fuse has burnt out, you will not receive any electricity to the room.

You need a qualified electrician to make repairs to a circuit breaker box. Unless you are extremely experienced with this technology, do not attempt a repair yourself. Call-out an electrician experienced in this kind of repair.

5. Check The Bulb Wattage

Commonly in dining room light fixtures or bathroom light fixtures that are recessed into the ceiling, the wrong bulb may be installed. If so, remove the bulb and check the wattage against the light socket.

If it is incorrect, the light may flicker on and off incessantly. You need to buy a new bulb at the correct wattage.

Fix Your Ceiling Light Fixture Yourself

Most ceiling light fixture repairs are quite simple and can be done by you at home. However, if you are concerned or worried about a light fixture that is on the blink, it is always better to call out an expert.

If you are wondering about where to find help for ceiling light fixture repair near me and you live in and around Franklin, TN, we can help. Take a look at our contact page and get in touch to see how we can help you.