Did you know that indoor air can be up to 100 times more polluted than outdoor air? This can be concerning, since Americans spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors. Fortunately, good filters can do a lot to improve air quality.

How often should you change HVAC filters? That depends on several factors.

This article discusses what those are. Keep reading for some HVAC maintenance tips to help your system run better.

Why Is Changing an HVAC Filter Important?

HVAC filters are usually positioned at the end of the intake duct, at the air handler. Filters remove particles from the air in your home so that clean air is sent back out. Common particulate matter includes dust, pollen, and pet dander.

Over time, as air filters do their job, they become dirty. Failing to change them when needed leads to clogging.

That means your HVAC has to work harder than needed to pull air through the filter. This increases energy costs and unnecessary wear and tear on your system.

Changing filters regularly can help maintain air quality in your home. It can also lead to better energy efficiency and a prolonged lifespan for your home HVAC systems.

How Often Should You Change HVAC Filters?

When answering, “How often should you change HVAC filters?” there are a few variables to consider.

Filter Type

There are two main types of filters used in home HVACs. Standard filters are one to three inches and are usually made of a cardboard frame. These should be replaced every one to three months.

Larger, pleated filters tend to last a bit longer. You can get away with changing them out every six months to a year.

There is one exception. Higher efficiency filters that have a MERV rating of 11 or above are designed to catch much smaller particles. While they last longer, they accumulate buildup faster. For this reason, you may need to change them every three to six months.

Home Size and HVAC Usage

The size of your home and HVAC usage are other factors that can impact your filter replacement schedule. In general, larger homes are going to be pushing more air through the filter during any given day.

Also, you likely are using your AC or heat more during hotter or colder months. This too can affect how quickly buildup forms on the filter.

Home Air Quality

The quality of the air in your home is a final factor to consider. If you have pets, your filter is likely to accumulate hair, which can collect very quickly.

If there is a lot of dust or pollen where you live, you may need to inspect the filter more often. This is especially true during times of year when there is a lot of particular matter in the air.

Learn More About HVAC Filter Replacement

Now that you have an answer to “How often should you change HVAC filters?” you can proceed accordingly. Doing so will ensure that your system is working as efficiently as possible.

Sewell Electric and HVAC provides the highest quality maintenance, repair, and installation services in Franklin, TN. We sell and service all major brands of residential heating and cooling equipment. Reach out to us today for more energy efficiency tips or to schedule service.