Is your AC blowing warm air? If so, you should act quickly.

Your situation isn’t just uncomfortable. It might also indicate a larger issue, potential trouble brewing deep in your unit.

Not sure what to do? No worries. This is your article.

Read on to learn about common HVAC issues that might be causing your problem – and what to do about them.

Why Is Your AC Blowing Warm Air

Any combination of the following issues could be impacting your unit. And, while some of them might be easy to diagnose, you should still consult a professional technician quickly as possible.

HVAC pros can perform regular AC maintenance, and tackle tougher issues, too. 

Low Refrigerant

If your AC unit is warm, it might not have enough refrigerant. These powerful chemicals start as liquids and transform into gasses, removing heat and humidity from the air.

If your unit is low on coolant, you might have a leak. Listen for hissing sounds and look for ice forming on the unit’s exterior to confirm this diagnosis. 

Dirty Filters

Changing your AC unit’s air filters is a part of regular maintenance.

As air passes through your system, it is filtered for impurities. Over time, the dust and dirt that is removed from your air can build up in filters, making it impossible for air to pass through.

If your filters are visibly dirty or you can’t remember when they were last changed, start by making this quick fix.

Frozen or Dirty Coils

Your evaporator and condenser both use coils to remove heat from the air.

The evaporator coils found inside your home are filled with coolant and can sometimes freeze over. This can happen as a result of dirty air filters.

By contrast, the condenser coils found outside your home are responsible for expelling heat and can become dirty over time. Be sure to keep the area around your condenser free of dirt and debris.

Clogged Drains

The moisture that your AC unit pulls from the air is expelled via a drain line. When this tube becomes blocked, it can allow water to back up into the unit.

This may, in turn, cause water damage and discoloration. And, if the problem persists, it can cause mold to grow, negatively impacting people with asthma and mold allergies.

Fan and Thermostat Issues

Beyond the basics, there are a number of more technical issues that could be impacting your AC unit’s performance. These more serious fan and thermostat issues will likely require professional attention. 

Electrical work might be required to remedy serious damage. And, if either of these elements seems to be malfunctioning, you run the risk of injury trying to fix the problem on your own.

Don’t Wait To Fix a Warm HVAC Unit

Now that you know a bit more about why your AC unit won’t cool, it’s time to take action. Your problem won’t go away all on its own, and if left as-is, it could potentially become way worse. 

In fact, your AC blowing warm air could even be an indication that the whole system will fail sometime soon. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact the experts at Sewell Electric & HVAC or call (615) 794-2518 today. Our friendly team is standing by and happy to help!