Your heating and cooling system is comprised of many working components that work seamlessly together to keep your home at comfortable temperatures. However, when one of those components breaks, it can wreak havoc on your unit and cause you to need HVAC repairs. Even if the unit continues to work after a part breaks, the other components will struggle to keep up, and this can cause even more damage and repairs. Fortunately, there are ways to combat these common HVAC problems before they ever lead to calling a technician in for repairs. Here we look at common HVAC problems that you can correct now to ensure your unit works in prime condition for years to come.

Lack of maintenance

It’s understandable that life gets busy and important tasks fall off of our to-do list. However, lack of maintenance is one of the primary reasons that a unit prematurely expires and needs frequent repairs. Make sure you call in the HVAC repair specialists to inspect and tune-up your unit once a year to give it longevity and keep away the repairs.

Wear and tear

While your unit will go through natural wear and tear throughout its lifespan, and some AC repair are inevitable, there are some that can be prevented. Prevent unnecessary wear and tear by keeping your home properly insulated and making sure everyone is applying the best practices for temperature setting. An HVAC system is durable, but it also shouldn’t be set at eighty-five degrees when it’s in the single digits outside.

Clogged filters

Filters are one of the most inexpensive and easy ways to keep away AC repairs, and they are often overlooked. Whether you have a timer set for the first of every month to change the filter or your family takes turns with this task, make sure it is getting done. If you have pets or a lot of foot traffic, you may want to check filters more often.

Thermostat issues

If you notice that your thermostat isn’t reading the correct temperatures, or that you don’t have as much control of the settings as you would like, consider getting a new one. Thermostat issues shouldn’t be ignored, even if you know the temperature difference and try to adjust it accordingly. If you do decide to get a new, programmable thermostat, you’ll find that you can control settings remotely and save money on your energy bill. Speak with HVAC specialists about your options and to get guidance on the best thermostat for your home.

Aging units

If you are trying to get every last mile out of your aging unit, you may end spending hundreds of dollars, if not thousands in repairs before finally getting a new inspection. That money could have been used for a new installation rather than frequent AC repairs, and you should communicate your concerns with a heating and cooling specialist to learn more about the pros and cons of getting a new unit versus continually repairing an aging one.