Scheduling regular HVAC maintenance could reduce your energy costs by 5 to 40%. It could extend the unit’s lifespan, too. With a quick AC inspection, you can defend your unit from issues down the road. 

Not sure where to start? Here are six tips for a thorough air conditioner inspection. With these tips, you can make sure your unit is running at its best.

Improve your home’s energy efficiency. Get started with these six easy tips today.

1. Remove Debris

Start your AC inspection by removing any debris near your unit. Make sure leaves aren’t blocking the coils or filters. Otherwise, debris could impact airflow.

The unit might work twice as hard to function properly. Your energy bill will start to rise. If the unit breaks down, you’ll have to pay for expensive repairs, too.

Instead, grab protective eye gear, gloves, and a trash bag. Then, clear away twigs, pollen, leaves, and grass clippings from the unit. Use a water hose to spray it down once you’re done. 

2. Replace the Filters

As part of your central AC inspection, don’t forget to check the air filters. Mold, dust, and dander can build against the filter, clogging it. Air might struggle to travel through the filter as a result, impacting energy efficiency.

Replace your filters every three months. 

3. Check the Lines

Check your refrigerant lines. If a line breaks, your energy use could rise. 

Airflow issues could hurt your system’s efficiency by up to 15%. If there’s a problem with the line, call a pro right away. 

4. Change the Batteries

Don’t forget to check the carbon monoxide detector’s batteries. Replace the batteries at least once a year to make sure the system is working properly. 

5. Clean the Coils

Take the time to clean the evaporator and condenser air conditioning coils, too. Dirty coils could impact the unit’s ability to cool your home. The unit will have to run longer, impacting energy costs.

6. Schedule a Service

Scheduling regular HVAC maintenance could extend the unit’s life by 15 years. Consider scheduling routine checks every year. A professional air conditioner inspection can help you avoid costly repairs in the future.

Your HVAC technician can pinpoint small issues before they become big problems. They can help you make more informed decisions regarding your unit. They can also help improve your unit’s energy efficiency.

You can then cut costs, save money, and extend the unit’s lifespan with a simple, routine check!

Consider scheduling your central air conditioner inspection during the spring or fall. That way, your unit is ready to go during the hottest and coldest months of the year. 

Prolong Your HVAC’s Lifespan: 6 Tips for Thorough AC Inspection

Preventative care can help you avoid costly HVAC issues down the road. Use these six easy tips for a thorough AC inspection. With these tips, you can avoid problems and improve your energy efficiency.

Get ready to extend your unit’s lifespan with these tips.

Ready to schedule a service? We’re here to lend a hand.

Contact us today to schedule your HVAC preventative maintenance check today!