
About Alex Rouse

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So far Alex Rouse has created 300 blog entries.
23 01, 2024

Hotline for Home Comfort: When to Call HVAC Emergency Services

2024-01-23T20:43:41+00:00January 23rd, 2024|HVAC Tips|

Did you know that homeowners spend over two thousand dollars annually on emergency repairs? Although these services are often more costly than general maintenance, they are still necessary to keep your property safe and functional. HVAC problems can get serious or even deadly if you don't take care of them immediately. So, what qualifies as [...]

16 01, 2024

4 Benefits of Hiring Professional Heat Pump Installers

2023-12-30T02:10:21+00:00January 16th, 2024|HVAC Tips|

Imagine a home where the temperature is just right, and energy bills are surprisingly low. Achieving this balance involves the often-overlooked expertise of professional heat pump installation.  Investing in professional installation is a wise choice. Heat pump installation is not something that an unskilled person should attempt. In this guide, discover four key benefits explaining [...]

2 01, 2024

A Quick and Easy Heat Pump Maintenance Checklist

2023-12-29T03:56:35+00:00January 2nd, 2024|HVAC Tips|

Almost 40% of Tennesse residents under age 35 own a home. A home is one of the greatest assets one can get in life. It's also one of the greatest responsibilities. The peak performance of your heat pump is crucial for maintaining a comfy indoor environment. That's why regular maintenance checks are vital. Keep reading [...]

26 12, 2023

The Importance of Getting a Regular Heating Inspection

2023-12-28T01:49:10+00:00December 26th, 2023|HVAC Tips|

It's hard to believe that the coldest temperature ever recorded in Tennessee is -32ºF. While Franklin residents don't have to worry about such chilly temperatures, winters can still get uncomfortable without the right HVAC system. If you don't take care of your heater, then you could find yourself in huge trouble when the colder months come [...]

19 12, 2023

How Exactly Does a Dual HVAC System Work for Houses?

2023-12-01T13:55:04+00:00December 19th, 2023|HVAC Tips|

Are you tired of uneven temperatures and worrying whether or not your current HVAC system will make it through the winter? If so, then it's time to consider an HVAC replacement. A dual HVAC system might be the perfect solution for you. Imagine having a comfortable home year-round, while still enjoying lower energy bills and reduced [...]

29 11, 2023

What Are the Best Ways to Avoid Furnace Problems in Franklin, TN?

2023-11-29T02:19:29+00:00November 29th, 2023|HVAC Tips|

The days are getting shorter in Franklin, TN, and the temperatures are starting to dip. This can only mean one thing: We're officially ready to usher in those chilly winter months. Is your home ready?  If you're experiencing furnace problems, it's time to address them before they snowball into bigger issues. However, we all know [...]

22 11, 2023

5 Effective Tips for Reducing Furnace Noise

2023-11-29T02:17:42+00:00November 22nd, 2023|HVAC Tips|

With experts projecting Tennessee to have a colder, snowier winter, you'd want to ensure your furnace works properly. After all, you don't want your Franklin home to feel just as chilly as the outdoors. But when you test your home furnace system, don't focus only on the heat it generates. You should also pay attention [...]

15 11, 2023

5 Steps To Take After Discovering a Broken Appliance in Your Home

2023-10-27T19:09:50+00:00November 15th, 2023|Appliance Repair|

Picture this: You wake up, make your coffee, and reach for the creamer. You open your refrigerator, and the light's not on. Just then, you realize your refrigerator isn't working. What should you do when you discover a broken appliance?  Here are the top five steps to take when one of your appliances breaks. 1. [...]

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