Approximately 20 million Americans suffer from dust allergies. While a dust allergy isn’t a fatal condition on its own, it causes problems of epic proportions. 

There are solutions to the environmental hazard that won’t leave you if you suffer from dust allergies. Keep reading to learn about how the right HVAC system can help create clean air and reduce allergens in your home. 

Signs of Dust Allergies

A dust allergy manifests itself in several ways. The symptoms often mimic a cold, but they don’t go away as a basic virus will in five to seven days. Here are a few of the basic symptoms that persist: 

  • Sneezes
  • Running nose
  • Congestion
  • Reddened, watering, and itching eyes
  • Tight chest
  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Rash

Any combination of these symptoms that persist for weeks indicates that you’re suffering from a dust or dust mite allergy. 

How the Right HVAC Helps

When you’ve suffered from these debilitating symptoms, you’d do anything to find relief. The right HVAC system and maintenance schedule will make a world of difference. 

Eliminate Evaporative Coolers

Many individuals are installing evaporative coolers because they use less energy than central air conditioners. However, homes with evaporative coolers also have more problems with airborne allergens and dust mites.

A traditional central air unit, a ductless air conditioner, a window unit, or a portable air conditioner would serve you better. 

Switch Your Filter

Furnace filters capture the dust and allergens before they can spread up the ductwork and into your home. But if the filter is clogged, your HVAC system will work harder than necessary. 

If you have a pet, check your filter more often than your manufacturer recommends since dander and hair will clog the filter more quickly. 

Schedule a Maintenance Call

Look for an HVAC expert that specializes in both HVAC installation and maintenance. They will be able to put you on a schedule that will include checking the operation and efficiency of your HVAC system. 

If your HVAC contractor does not clean ducts, contact a company that specializes in cleaning your ducts. The specialist will rid your ducts of debris, mold, and dust. They will also make sure your ducts don’t have any holes or cracks where air can leak. 

Maintain Your Home

Air pollution causes dust allergy reactions. Thus, if you can control the air quality in your home, you will reduce your symptoms.

Use a wet cloth to dust your home, and use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to reduce allergens. Focus not just on the floor but on fabric as well such as curtains and bedding. When you have a clean home, you’ll have less dust and fewer allergic reactions. 

Better HVAC, Less Dust

If you suffer from dust allergies, you understand the daily pain of red, itchy eyes, and constant congestion. But you don’t have to suffer. With the right intervention and HVAC system, you can breathe easy in your own home. 

Do you need a new HVAC system or HVAC maintenance? Contact us today. We are a homegrown, family-owned business with over 72 years of experience.

Take a minute to contact us today. We’d love to help you breathe easy once again.