Appliance Repair

13 06, 2019

Squeaky Clean: 5 Dishwasher Maintenance Tips to Follow

2019-05-30T11:14:37+00:00June 13th, 2019|Appliance Repair|

Did you know that the price of a new dishwasher is between $400 and $700, with installation costs running between $200 and $500? And, if you get a higher-end model, prices can easily run into the thousands? While this may not be a crazy amount of money, it's still a good chunk of change. Luckily, if you [...]

6 06, 2019

Is Your Refrigerator Running? 5 Signs Your Refrigerator is Actually Broken

2019-05-30T11:12:58+00:00June 6th, 2019|Appliance Repair|

A refrigerator works by turning itself on and off in cycles in order to maintain a set temperature inside its compartments and their components. This on and off cycle leads many to believe that their refrigerator is in its off phase when really, they have a broken refrigerator. If you do not hear your refrigerator [...]

27 03, 2019

How Much Does It Cost to Repair a Furnace in Franklin, TN?

2019-05-10T18:17:59+00:00March 27th, 2019|Appliance Repair|

Fun fact about your furnace: it was the Romans who first invented the furnace. Most use propane or natural gas to heat your home. They're also the most commonly used heating system in the United States. And while they last a long time, problems can and do arise. While repair issues range from lack [...]

30 01, 2019

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Shopping for Kitchen Appliances

2019-02-07T05:04:56+00:00January 30th, 2019|Appliance Repair|

Buying new appliances for your house isn’t something to be taken lightly. You are spending thousands of dollars to invest in for your family. At Franklin HVAC, we want to make sure that you are considering everything before making these giant purchases and that is why our pros are here to help make sure [...]

5 12, 2018

Why Good Appliance Maintenance is Important

2018-12-05T03:50:09+00:00December 5th, 2018|Appliance Repair|

We see this all the time at Franklin HVAC, an appliance has completely broken down on homeowners way too soon. It is nobody’s fault, but it is something that can be avoided. Sometimes these breakdowns happen because the appliances weren’t maintained before they reached this point. We always recommend taking a few extra steps [...]

28 11, 2018

Useful Techniques to Avoid Household Appliance Issues

2018-12-04T21:11:53+00:00November 28th, 2018|Appliance Repair|

It is truly amazing how technology has made our household lives so much easier. Before the invention of washers and dryers, we were scrubbing our clothes in a wash bin and then had to hang them out to dry on a clothesline. These modern-day inventions have changed the way we live our lives at [...]

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