Did you know you can save up to 10% each year on your air conditioning energy bill by turning up the thermostat 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day?

Energy-efficient air conditioning saves you money and we’ll show you how by following the tips. Are you taking control of your air conditioning costs already or do you need some additional tips to get started?

There are a lot of great reasons to take advantage of energy-efficient air conditioning and we will discuss them in this article, among other things, so keep reading to learn more.

Advantages of Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning

The best thing you can do for your air conditioning system is to make it run as efficiently as possible. Not only will it increase the unit’s lifespan, but it will also save you money. 

Money Savings

According to the Department of Energy, air conditioning units use about 6% of all electricity produced in the U.S. costing $29 billion. 

As these systems have advanced over the years, they have become more much energy-efficient. Newer systems, although pricier, save U.S. homeowners more money in the long run.   

Longer Lifespan

When your system is running efficiently, it means all parts are clean and in working order. The better these units are maintained, the longer they’ll last. 

Better for the Environment 

If your system is operating efficiently, there’s less energy consumption. This means less fuel is being used by the power company if Americans are using energy-efficient systems in their homes. 

Here are some tips on how to save money on air conditioning. 

Maintain or Replace Your AC

HVAC units should receive routine maintenance. As a homeowner, you should check the air filter once a month and change it if it looks dirty. Not only will this keep your system running more efficiently, but it will increase the air quality of your home.

A licensed technician should check your system once a year and more often if you live in a warmer climate where it will be used more often. Ductwork and components will be cleaned and checked for any problems. 

According to Energy Star, it may be time to consider replacing your system if it is more than 10 years old, needs frequent repairs, or the energy bills keep rising.  

Cover The Windows

A large amount of sunlight passes through the windows of your home as heat. Window screens or films are great for stopping a lot of this energy from entering your house. Keeping your windows shut and blinds or shades drawn will also help keep out some of that sunlight. 


Insulation keeps the cool air in your home and the hot air outside. With adequate insulation, your personal AC won’t have to work as hard to keep the air cool. 

The Department of Energy has a Zip-Code Insulation Program that tells you how much insulation you should add to your home and where it should be placed for maximum energy efficiency. It also provides cost estimates and rates of return on your investment. 

Limit the Use of Some Appliances

Appliances like your kitchen oven produce a lot of noticeable heat. Trying to limit the use of heat-producing items in the household will save you money. 

Stay Energy-Efficient

If you’re interested in energy-efficient air conditioning for your home, following these tips will keep more money in your wallet. 

For HVAC service in Williamson County, contact Sewell Electric.