Saving money in the summer is at the top of everyone’s list. After all, that money can be spent on vacations and hosting a barbecue in your backyard! As you’re making a list of where you can reduce costs, don’t forget to add your air conditioner to the list of ways to save. Not only are these effective ways to decrease your energy bill, but they are also simple to apply. Plus, you get the added benefits of keeping your home cool and comfortable all summer long.

Invest in professional HVAC maintenance

When comfortable indoor air temperatures aren’t being reached, there could be a few factors to consider. Perhaps you need a minor AC repair in Nashville, or you could need something as simple as annual maintenance like cleaning coils. When your unit is well-maintained and working at optimal levels, you’ll notice on your energy bill.

Whatever is going on with HVAC system, make sure you involve a professional to complete the annual maintenance. Trying to do it yourself can not only be ineffective, but it also can be dangerous if you aren’t familiar with the working parts of the AC unit or electrical components.

Never skip a filter change

One step many people skip that is simple and cost-effective is changing filters. When your filter is clogged, your air conditioning unit can’t perform at top levels. A clogged filter bogs down the system and makes each component work harder to push air through. This causes unnecessary energy to be exhausted and often results in AC repair. If you want to save money, keep up with filter changes!

Check windows and doors for air leaks

Do a quick check of your windows and doors to ensure that no air is leaking out of them. When your air conditioner is competing with outdoor temperatures, it is only going to cause your energy bill to go up. Seal up air leaks by replacing windows and doors with more efficient ones, or you can find some cost-effective solutions in your local home improvements store.

Set temperatures responsibly and use your ceiling fan

In the summer you should set your ceiling fan to rotate counterclockwise to help you feel cooler in the room. This allows you to set temperatures a little higher, so you save money. If you are setting temperatures unrealistically, then you’ll need to reevaluate those numbers. In the summer, if it’s one hundred degrees outside, your air conditioning system will struggle to reach sixty-five degrees. Try to keep up it set to roughly twenty degrees colder than it is outside. Speak with a professional AC repair technician about your specific unit and what it can handle regarding settings if you’re unsure.

Consider a new thermostat

A new thermostat can provide a lot of savings on your energy bill as well as future AC repair costs. Thermostats give homeowners more control of indoor temperatures. Speak with an HVAC company about the options that work with your unit and the different features you can take advantage.