Air conditioners are a lifesaver on those hot, humid summer days when the temperature’s even too high to enjoy going outside. 

But, as great as air conditioners are, they can also be huge breeding grounds for mold. 

Mold may not seem like a major household problem, but it definitely is. In fact, in 2004, the Insitute of Medicine found sufficient evidence to link indoor mold exposure to coughs, wheezing, and issues with the upper respiratory system. 

Mold also has a link to other adverse health effects such as asthma, memory loss, lethargy, and even acute pulmonary hemorrhages in infants. 

Clearly, if you have an air conditioner mold problem, you’ll want to nip it in the bud right away. 

But, how can you tell if there is mold in your AC?

Check out this guide to find out. 

1. Musty Odors 

When you run your AC, does a pungent, musty odor waft through the air?

If so, there is a good chance that there is black mold growing in your vents, as mold carries this distinctive smell. 

If you aren’t exactly sure what musty smells like, think of old gym clothes, dirty socks, or bad food from the back of your fridge. 

2. Look for Visual Signs 

One of the best ways to spot mold is to grab a flashlight and open up the vents in your home. 

If you see black or off-color spotting on the walls of your vents, then you are likely dealing with a mold problem. 

In severe cases, you may even be able to spot mold on the outside of the vents or on the AC registers. 

While the residue may or may not wipe off easily, you will need to clean it in order to remove it permanently. 

3. Health Symptoms 

Unexplained changes in your health is another telltale sign that your AC has mold. 

If you’re constantly dealing with itchy eyes, sneezing, or other respiratory issues, particularly when you’re running your air conditioner, you likely have a mold problem in your home. 

4. Standing Water or Excess Moisture 

Mold thrives in areas where there is excess moisture. 

Therefore, if you see any standing water or excess moisture in your home, then there’s a good chance you have a mold problem. 

Do You Have Air Conditioner Mold?

If you spot any of these signs in your home, you are not in any immediate danger.

However, as we stated at the beginning of the article, mold is linked to some very serious health issues, so it is important that you act fast to remedy the problem. 

While you can clean up the air conditioner mold on your own, the best thing to do is to hire a professional. 

Then, you should also have your AC comprehensively examined to make sure there aren’t any other issues. To learn about getting your AC examined, get in touch with us today.