It’s another pleasant day in your house, and everything is fine…until it starts feeling a little hot. You shrug it off, but it keeps getting hotter and hotter…until your house bursts into flames! Your possessions melt around you as you run around in a frenzied panic!

Ok, so we exaggerated. But failing to recognize the signs that your thermostat is on the fritz could have some serious consequences down the line. So what can you do?

Well, we’re glad you asked. It’s time to break down the top 5 signs that your thermostat has gone bad! So without further ado, let’s get started!

1. The Screen Lies

If the screen of your thermostat says one thing but you’re feeling something different, this is a big red flag that something’s iffy with your thermostat. You should also get suspicious if the temperature of the rooms throughout your house is not the same. However, this only applies to un-zoned houses (which means you don’t have separate thermostats for different parts of your house).

2. It’s Always On

Another warning sign that your thermostat is on the fritz is if you’re getting a never-ending blast of heat or cold pervading your house at all times. This tends to happen if the wiring in your systems got damaged since the signal between the thermostat and your houses’ heating system is now disrupted.

3. It’s Always Off

On the other end of the spectrum, if your thermostat refuses to turn on at all, this could also be a sign of wiring damage. If the problem stems more from the thermostat system failing to turn on, try installing new batteries or making sure nothing on your circuit board has tripped up.

4. Home Maintenance Failure

In the event of a broken thermostat, you have a few more options. If you have a mechanical thermostat, giving the system a dusting can help prevent dust from clogging it up. Opening the thermostat up and making sure all the wires are in good health and still connected is another good idea.

Make sure to check the colors of the wires too. Each one corresponds to a different function of the thermostat, and a missing color or misplaced one could be the cause of the problem. If all else fails though, you’ll want to bring in a professional to run drop testing and other advanced techniques to diagnose the issue.

5. Settings? What Settings?

Finally, try to keep track of whether or not your thermostat remembers the settings you put in. If your thermometer seems to forget or revert to its default settings all the time, it’s a sign that something’s wrong.

Not Too Hot or Cold

And there you have it! Now that you know the top 5 signs that your thermostat is going bad, you’re ready to get the problem fixed before your house starts to resemble an oven or freezer! And if you need help getting your system in working order, give us a call and let us fix it up back to tip-top shape!