Did you know that air conditioning alone accounts for around 12% of all US home energy expenditure? If you are running an inefficient system, then that percentage can be even higher. But do you actually know how to keep it running efficiently?

Luckily, it isn’t time-consuming or expensive. Read on as we give our essential five tips for HVAC maintenance. 

1. Replace the Filter

The filter protects your HVAC system from dust and debris that may be pulled into it. Thus, it can quickly become clogged with all manner of nasty threats. If you have pets or live in a dry, dusty area, it will become filthy even quicker. 

If you don’t replace your filter, less air is getting into the system. This makes it work overtime, drawing more power and putting a strain on other parts. Any air that does get in will be dirty and contaminated. 

2. Clear Space

Ideally, the outside parts of your HVAC unit should have no objects within a 2-yard radius of it. They can obstruct the airflow into the system. Furniture, children’s toys, and pet items should all be moved. 

In addition, you may have to cut back shrubbery or grass. Do a regular sweep of the area, clearing leaves and items that may fall into the unit and clog it. 

3. Clean the Condenser Coil

The condenser coil is an integral part of the system. Refrigerant takes the heat from your home to the outside by cycling between a liquid and a gas state. Without a condenser coil, that can not happen. 

Turn off the power to the system and the coil. Spray it with water and give it a light rub to remove and buildups of dirt. 

4. Clean Ducts

Like filters, your ducts can also accumulate dust and debris. This results in a clogging of the system. However, unlike filters which are easy to replace, clogged ducts can be hard to reach and clean. 

When ducts are in need of cleaner, you may find your air quality reduce, and your system becomes less efficient. Speak with a local HVAC company about cleaning your ducts and checking them for damage at least once a year. 

5. Organize Your Thermostat

Many heating and cooling problems originate from people not correctly setting, or knowing how to set, a thermostat. You can save a lot of time and money by getting the settings correct. You may want to consider getting a SMART thermostat that you can control from a mobile application, either at home or away. 

Get Assistance With HVAC Maintenance

You can save a lot of time and money on HVAC maintenance by getting help. Check local listings for reputable companies, and ask for a quote. By having regular inspections, you can prevent future breakdowns and the use of excess power. 

Your first stop should be Sewell Electric and HVAC. We sell and service all major brands of HVAC equipment. Contact us here to discuss your needs, and let us keep you cool this summer!