
About Alex Rouse

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So far Alex Rouse has created 300 blog entries.
6 06, 2019

Is Your Refrigerator Running? 5 Signs Your Refrigerator is Actually Broken

2019-05-30T11:12:58+00:00June 6th, 2019|Appliance Repair|

A refrigerator works by turning itself on and off in cycles in order to maintain a set temperature inside its compartments and their components. This on and off cycle leads many to believe that their refrigerator is in its off phase when really, they have a broken refrigerator. If you do not hear your refrigerator [...]

30 05, 2019

5 Tips to Save Money on Air Conditioning This Summer

2019-05-30T11:09:55+00:00May 30th, 2019|HVAC Tips|

Summer is right around the corner and if where you live is anywhere like Franklin, Tennessee, you're going to see your average daily highs pushing 90 degrees. Fortunately, no matter how hot or cold it gets, you've got your trusty HVAC system to keep your home environment comfortable. The downside to that rosy picture though [...]

17 05, 2019

Overview: The Demand and Growth of the HVAC Industry

2019-05-03T15:57:35+00:00May 17th, 2019|HVAC repair|

Virtually every home and commercial building in the state of Tennessee relies on heating and cooling. The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry is enormous nationwide. By 2022, the industry is forecasted to grow to $155.1 billion. Each year, the industry posts 6 percent growth. This explains how the industry was valued at nearly [...]

3 05, 2019

How to Get the Best Possible Indoor Air Quality in Your Home

2019-05-03T15:53:50+00:00May 3rd, 2019|HVAC Tips|

More than 25 million Americans suffer from asthma, nearly 2 million of whom ended up in the emergency room in 2015 alone. Whether you suffer from asthma or not, the quality of the air you breathe has a big impact on your life. Effective HVAC equipment will keep the air in your home clean and [...]

29 04, 2019

Stay Cool: 7 AC Maintenance Tips to Keep Your System Running Smoothly

2019-04-15T21:50:25+00:00April 29th, 2019|HVAC Tips|

Have you ever taken the time to consider the quality of air in your home? Do you get colds and a few coughs every month?  Are your allergies acting up? Well then, the culprit could be your air conditioner. According to a 2009 report, 6.2 percent of energy consumption in the average U.S. home goes [...]

22 04, 2019

One Size Doesn’t Cool All: Comparing the Different Types of Air Conditioners

2019-04-15T21:48:36+00:00April 22nd, 2019|HVAC Tips|

Is your home in desperate need of an air conditioner? Well, with so many types of air conditioners out there, it can be hard to know which one would work best. Not every air conditioning system serves the same purpose or uses the same process, so you don’t want to end up with the wrong [...]

15 04, 2019

Central Air Not Working? 5 Signs Your AC System Needs Repair

2019-04-15T21:46:49+00:00April 15th, 2019|HVAC repair|

Summer is right around the corner and with the average summer highs in Franklin ranging from 86 degrees in June to 90 in July and August, you don't want to find out the hard way that your central air is not working.  Sometimes, you can do a little troubleshooting yourself and address the issue, but in [...]

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